
“Why I Love America”
By T.J. DeGroat
Age 20

I love America because the natural hierarchies are super fun! In the corporate world, entry level is lame. But the longer you’re there and the better you are, you faster you are rewarded. Today, I moved from the intern1 log in name and email address to my very own name. I actually heard the Systems Analyst mention that she could just set up a forwarding name to intern1 for me since interns usually aren’t here long enough to warrant the work (what work?) it takes to set up the additional name. But lovely Barbara said, “No! Not for our TJ! He needs his own name!!!” Yay. Because, seriously, how silly is it to call up a representative from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and ask them to send a press release to intern1@whatever.com.

The end.

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